Check out our distinctive light switch. Contact your reseller of choice for more information.
Contact, call  0203 589 9520


Company Updates
Trendi Switch - Christmas 2023 Opening Hours
The following information is our working hours for the Christmas period:
Trendi Switch are always looking out for Social Media Influencers
Our marketing team are always looking for new ways to reach a larger audience and show everyone the benifits of switching to Trendi.
ARCHIVE - 4 Gang Rockers on a Double Plate? Trendi has the answer
Reacting to customer requests, Trendiswitch is pleased to announce that its 4 gang rocker, on a double plate, is now in development.
We have a new look site!!
We would like to start with a thank you to all our supporting customers over the past 8 years of our journey to bring the world our destinctive decorative lighting range.
New Site, New Features. (Resellers Edition)
We would like to start with a thank you to all our supporting resellers over the past 8 years of our journey to bring the world our destinctive decorative lighting range.