We would like to start with a thank you to all our supporting resellers over the past 8 years of our journey to bring the world our destinctive decorative lighting range.
In the continuation of this journey we are happy to annouce the launch of our BRAND NEW website.
This new site will allow your customers to view our complete range of products quickly and easily with all colour options being available within the same listings. These listings will also include as much relevant information about our each product that your customers may require when deciding to make the #switchtotrendi.
Our site also includes a 'Where to buy' map that will include all our highstreet resellers that potential customers will be able to visit to see our products & also links to our authorised online retailers. If you require your High Street property to be added to our map, please either contact your Account Manager directly or alternatively email: trade@trendiswitch.com and a member of the team will assist.
There is also a page for potential future customers to find out where they can see us at exhibitions all over the UK & Europe.
There is a page where you will be able to read the latest volumes of our brands catalogue digitally on any device (If you require printed copies, please either contact your Account Manager directly or alternatively email: trade@trendiswitch.com) and also pages where you can find blogs like this with all the latest news about Trendi Switch.
In the coming weeks we will also be rolling out our new online ordering system in conjuntion with any new price changes. Account Managers will be contact our reseller to allocated you with your unique login details where you will be able to:
Check Stock Levels
Place Orders for either delivery to yourselves or directly to your customers.
Manage you account details
We here at Trendi Switch Ltd are very excited about this new site and what the future holds & once again thank you for all your support in helping the world #switchtoTrendi