Check out our distinctive light switch. Contact your reseller of choice for more information.
Contact, call  0203 589 9520

ARCHIVE - At last, sexy & funky switches!

ARCHIVE - At last, sexy & funky switches!

This has been the most common response, when visitors have been introduced to Trendi this week, at Grand Designs.

Other comments have been:
I love the lines!

Why has it taken someone so long to come up with a decent light switch?
The small things really make a difference, why install a cheap white plastic one when you can have these?

After a very busy week, we're looking forward to this weekend.
Are you planning to visit the show? Then we look forward to meeting you on stand E73 in the Design Arcade.

Have you seen the full Trendi switch range yet?
Don't get left behind & make your #switchtoTrendi today!
